552M Shampoo Bar Testimonial with K'era
K’era is the outdoorsy type. A sun-loving Californian who loves surfing, she’s no stranger to the ocean or the plastic pollution that plagues it. She’s also responsible, a big fan of order and balance—blame that on the fact that she’s a Libra—so she doesn’t cut corners when it comes to recycling.🙂
With that being said, we invited her to be one of the firsts to try our 552M Soap Free Shampoo Bar. Watch the video below for K’era’s full 552M testimonial including her results! And just below, read our quick Q&A with K’era to learn more about her take on hair care, views on plastic pollution and her overall thoughts on 552M after trying it for 1 month!
What do you look for in a shampoo? I generally don’t use shampoo and co-wash my hair.
How would you describe your hair? What are your concerns? Medium length when straight, soft yet can get dry and very fragile and prone to split ends. I do my best to ward off breakage, maintain shine and ward off frizz.
What do you love most about your hair? The versatility - I can blow it out and wear it straight, do a wash n’ go afro, a twist-out, etc.
What was your first impression of 552M Shampoo Bar? Surprised that a shampoo actually left my hair feeling moisturized instead of dry and stiff.
What do you like most about 552M?The versatility- it can be used from head to toe and my husband likes it too. Less plastic bottles to recycle and overall a more cost effective option.
How does your hair and scalp feel after using 552M? Clean but not stripped.
How many plastic shampoo bottles are usually in your bathroom?1 bottle of shampoo for my husband and 1 bottle of co-wash for me and a 1 bottle of moisturizing conditioner.
What are your thoughts on plastic pollution? It's out of control and it’s disturbing!
Do you recycle your plastic shampoo bottles? I do recycle all of my beauty products from shampoo bottles to tubes of moisturizer.
Do you think you could be more conscious of your household’s plastic use? There is always room for improvement!
Interested in what your results would be with 552M Shampoo Bar? Take one home with you today & please feel free to submit your very own 552M Testimonial to collaborations@odacite.com - we love hearing feedback from you!