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October is coming to an end, which means the official start of the holiday shopping season is right around the corner. While shopping lists are a priority this time of the year, we also have another list you don't want to overlook when shopping.  

When it comes to purchasing skin care during the holidays, it can be easy to get distracted by the pretty packaging or adorable gift sets. But don’t get fooled. Many of the ingredients that go into those beautifully decorated products may not be beneficial for you.

Below are is our list of B.S. to watch out for when shopping for skincare. Avoiding these ingredients in beauty products will ensure you are giving the gift of beautiful skin whether it is for yourself or others.

1. Fragrance. When reading your list of skincare ingredients, one of the last things you’d think we would really need to worry about is fragrance. I mean, it just makes everything smell nice right? Wrong. “Fragrance” is a catchall term that is purposely ambiguous to hide certain combinations of toxic ingredients. Some fragrance mixes have been linked back to allergies, dermatitis and respiratory stress.

2. Phthalates. Primarily used in products like nail polish, perfumes, lotions and hairspray. Phthalates are harmful as they are linked to increased breast cancer risk, reproductive defects, as well as endocrine disruption. Be wary of this ingredient since it is not always listed outright, but rather tucked away into the vague umbrella term of “fragrance”.

3. Sunscreen chemicals. Who doesn’t love skin care or foundation that is multifunctional? Before you buy something with SPF in it, check to make sure these chemicals aren’t present: benzophenone, PABA, avobenzone, and or homosalate. These ingredients can disrupt the endocrine as they are thought to be easy to absorb into the body--especially when put on skin.

4. Synthetic Colors. This ingredient comes from petroleum or coal tar sources. Yuck, not something you want to be getting any where near your beautiful skin, hair or nails huh? Such colors are linked to skin irritation and even ADHD in children. It is also thought to be a human carcinogen, or a substance capable of causing cancer. To make sure your products don’t contain such toxic chemicals, check for a combination of letters and color names like D&C Red 1 or FD&C Blue 27. 

Click here for the full list of the 12 ingredients to avoid in your skincare.  

 The Good News

The green beauty industry is growing continually at an exciting rate. Along with this growth comes a greater awareness to the quality of the ingredients in our skincare products.

Throwing away even your most trusted lotions, soaps, and oils you swore by for years can be frightening and certainly even a little pricey if you are replacing more than just a few. Even taking simple steps such as choosing products with fewer chemicals can make a difference. This holiday season let's take the extra step to make sure there is no B.S. on our shopping lists.

 Learn more about the top 12 ingredients to avoid in your skincare here.

Learn which 5 skincare products you need to ditch first when switching to all natural alternatives by here.

Search your favorite products and find out how they rate here.



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