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A Guide to Skin Barrier Health

Your skin is more than just a surface; it’s your body’s first line of defense against the outside world. At the heart of this defense is the skin barrier, a crucial layer that keeps the good in and the bad out.

What is the Skin Barrier?

The skin barrier is the outermost layer of your skin, and it plays a crucial role in protecting your body. Imagine it as a sturdy wall made up of skin cells, tightly held together by lipids (fats). This layer ensures that essential moisture stays locked in while keeping harmful elements like pollutants, bacteria, and toxins out.

Types of Factors that Damage Your Skin Barrier

Your skin goes through a lot every day. From environmental stressors to lifestyle choices, many factors can weaken your skin barrier:

  • UV Radiation

  • Harsh Cleansers and Over-washing

  • Environmental Factors

  • Pollution

  • Over-exfoliation

  • Dehydration

  • Age

  • Stress

  • Poor Diet

  • Allergic Reactions


Signs of a Damaged Skin Barrier

When the skin barrier is compromised, it shows. Here are some signs that your skin barrier might be in trouble:

  • Accelerated Aging: Noticeable signs of aging, such as wrinkles and fine lines, may appear sooner.

  • Dry, Scaly Skin: Lack of moisture can make your skin feel rough and flaky.

  • Inflammation: Redness, swelling, or irritation can be a clear indication.

  • Breakouts: Acne and other blemishes might become more frequent.

  • Itchiness: An impaired barrier can lead to uncomfortable itching.

  • Rough Patches: Areas of skin that feel coarse to the touch.

  • Dull, Dehydrated Skin: A lack of radiance and vitality.

  • Sensitivity/Allergic Reactions: Your skin becomes more reactive to products and environmental factors.

  • Brown Spots: Hyperpigmentation may increase.

Healthy vs Damaged Skin Barrier

Understanding the difference between a healthy and a damaged skin barrier is key to maintaining radiant, resilient skin.

A healthy skin barrier looks plump and younger, feels resilient, and radiates a healthy glow. In contrast, a damaged skin barrier looks dry and older, feels sensitive, and appears fatigued.

Edelweiss: Nature's Secret to a Healthy Skin Barrier

Meet Edelweiss, the most resilient plant on the planet. Thriving in the harshest environments, Edelweiss has developed natural defenses that can help fortify your skin barrier against modern-day aggressors. Our Edelweiss Extrême® formula harnesses this power to strengthen your skin barrier, offering double defense against aging and sensitivity.

Advanced AI Science for Your Skin Barrier

In our quest to protect and rejuvenate your skin, we've combined the resilience of Edelweiss with cutting-edge AI science to develop a comprehensive defense system for your skin barrier. Here’s how our innovative ingredients work together to boost skin barrier function:

  • Anti-Aging: Revival & fatigue relief with Edelweiss Extrême®.

  • Super Antioxidants: CoQ10 + Blue-Green Algae protect against oxidative stress.

  • Anti-Glycation: Peptides + Carnosine combat glycation, preserving skin elasticity.

  • Soothing: Instant hydration with Aloe Vera.

  • Skin-Plumping: Hyaluronic Acid restores volume and smoothness.

  • Soothe Redness & Sensitivity: Calendula + Chamomile calm irritated skin.

  • Skin Barrier Support: Edelweiss Extrême® enhances your skin’s natural defense.

Supreme Cream: The Ultimate Ally for Your Skin Barrier

Our Supreme Cream is specifically formulated to replenish skin showing signs of lipid deficiency, accelerated aging, dehydration, sensitivity, and collagen breakdown. It’s your go-to solution for restoring a healthy, resilient skin barrier.


Clinically Proven Results for Skin Barrier Function

We believe in science-backed skincare. That’s why our products are clinically tested to ensure they deliver visible results:

  • 79% saw a significant improvement in skin barrier function.

  • 88% agree their skin feels youthful, healthy, and renewed.

  • 94% agree their skin is immediately soothed and hydrated.




A skin-compatible fusion of Raw Nature and Clinical Actives which can be felt as soon as your fingers touch the skin.

  • Made Clean in California

  • Vegan-Friendly & Cruelty-Free

  • Derm-Tested & Hypoallergenic